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Tree fruit, Citrus, Avocado, and Nuts

Local field research is conducted by Cooperative Extension advisors, in cooperation with University of California Extension Specialists, Experiment Station personnel and growers. Research efforts target new crops and varieties that are best adapted to local growing conditions and markets. Irrigation, fertilization, and soil management research helps growers use natural resources effectively. Innovations in cultural practices and pest control help local growers produce an abundance of fruits, nuts, cereal grains, vegetables and other crops with environmentally sensitive methods.

almond bloom

Topics in Subtropics Blog!
  • avocado big leaf homrone - Copy
    Horticultural Myths

    Horticultural Myths These are practices and or products that many people working in our industry may hold to be useful but have no scientific basis for their method of action. They are formed from misinformation passed on over the generations or from...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor
  • avocado dehydrated
    New Products????????

    Horticulture is the cultivation of plants as ornamentals or for the production of food. When things go wrong (plants grow poorly or not at all), horticulturists sometimes turn to products that can “cure”, revitalize, invigorate, stimulate...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor
  • vole damage
    Rodents Coming Out of the Hills

    There have been a number of calls about damage to citrus tree trunks.  Lemon is especially delicious, it seems. As the hills have dried and we haven't had much fall rain, rodents who like to eat the green part just below the bark of the trees are...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor