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UC Master Food Preserver Program of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties

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Preserve Today, Relish Tomorrow!

Food preservation jars

UC Master Food Preserver Program volunteers are trained volunteers who extend UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public. 

What do we do?

  • Provide hands-on learning workshops for community youth through events with our libraries and Boys and Girls club;
  • Teach adult classes on various food preservation topics;
  • Answer food preservation inquiries via our helpline;
  • Provide testing of home pressure canners for the public, free of charge.
  • Partner with UC CalFresh and local food banks to provide resources and information on safe food handling and preservation to all members of the community

Learn more About Us

Stay connected!

Sign up to receive workshop announcements and program updates. 

Master Food Preserver Helpline

Ask your preserving questions today!

Do you have canning, preserving or food safety questions? Want more information about becoming a UC Master Food Preserver? Need information about an upcoming class? 

Call or email us and one of our UC Master Food Preserver volunteers will respond to your question within 2-3 business days.

805-781-1429 or  slomfp@ucanr.edu

Upcoming Workshops and Events
Event Name Date