Which Way Chlorpyrifos?

Nov 20, 2023

Chlorpyrifos News: A Controversial Reversal

This November the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals made a significant ruling overturning the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ban on chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide. This decision marks a controversial turn in the ongoing debate surrounding the use of this pesticide and its potential impact on human health and the environment.

The history of the chlorpyrifos ban is a contentious one. The EPA had initially proposed banning the pesticide's use on food crops in 2015 due to concerns about its harmful effects, particularly on children and farmworkers. Studies and research had linked chlorpyrifos to developmental issues in children, neurodevelopmental delays, and other adverse health effects.

However, this ban faced several legal challenges from the agricultural industry, which argued that the scientific evidence against chlorpyrifos was not conclusive enough to justify a complete ban. Industry groups contended that the pesticide was essential for protecting crops from pests and ensuring food security.

The battle over chlorpyrifos intensified over the years, with the EPA under different administrations both moving toward and away from banning its use. In 2021, the EPA banned the pesticide, and upheld this ban in 2022. Now, the federal Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned the EPA ban, which has sparked renewed discussions. The court's decision was based on its interpretation that the EPA had not provided enough evidence to justify the ban, stating that the agency had not sufficiently demonstrated that the pesticide's residues on food posed a risk to human health. Note that some states, including California, have banned chlorpyrifos on food grown and sold in their jurisdictions. Those bans remain in effect.

This reversal has generated mixed reactions. Advocates for agricultural interests and some in the industry welcome the decision, emphasizing the importance of chlorpyrifos in protecting crops. On the other hand, environmentalists, public health experts, and concerned citizens express disappointment about the potential health hazards posed by continued use of the pesticide. This debate highlights the complex balancing act between agricultural needs, economic interests, and public health concerns.



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