Gopher Management

Nov 22, 2023

Gopher Management

Nov 22, 2023

Pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) may be responsible for more damage to orchards than any other mammal species. It can be important to minimize their presence in orchards and this is particularly relevant for young trees that are highly susceptible to gopher damage. Since reproduction increases toward late winter through early spring, control is more effective before this reproductive pulse since there are fewer individuals to remove. When soil moisture is high, gophers make mounds frequently, easing identification of active tunnel systems, and thus reducing the time required to treat the orchard. Gopher control programs include a variety of tools including trapping, rodenticides, burrow fumigants, and potentially biocontrol, among other options. Below are some thoughts on the utility and implementation of some of the more commonly used strategies for managing this burrowing rodent.

gopher mounds 2

By Roger Baldwin