Census of Agriculture Now

Apr 24, 2023

As you may know, every five years, USDA conducts its Census of Agriculture to inform policy decisions that impact the future of American farmers and ranchers. The complete count of our nation's farms and ranches is critical as it is the most comprehensive national effort undertaken to gather?information on American agriculture. 

Only 50% of California farmers have responded. This is close to the 4/20/23 national return rate of 52%, but they would like to get more input since it can affect how Congress allocates resources.

There is still time to respond to the 2022 ag census, and USDA wants to ensure that your community is being counted and adding their voices to the future of agriculture! 

For more information about the
Census of Agriculture:

The information you provide will be used
for statistical purposes only. Online reporting is secure,
fast, and user friendly.

By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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