Can't See the Forest for the Weeds?

Dec 30, 2020

"A Virtual Conference to Discuss Real-World Weeds". 

That's a great tag-line for the California Weed Science Society conference and a sign of the times. 

Even though our in-person interactions as weed researchers, managers, and regulators has been put on hold this year, weed control goes on and so does the need for the education and updates provided by the CWSS. 

Please remember to register for the conference this year to keep up your education and training and get the latest information as well as supporting YOUR California Weed Science Society.   The program committee has put together another high-quality program that touches on the many aspects of weed science in California.

Here's the link to the registration page:

While there is a lot of value in our normal in-person 2.5 day conference format, there are a few benefits of the online format.

  • You can view the sessions at your convenience since they are prerecorded.  In a state like California, there's no "off-season" for everyone and in this format you don't have to dedicate 3 days to get this great content.
  • We have several registration options if you don't want to participate in the whole event.  Of course it's a better deal (per credit) if you register for the full program, but there are several options if you just want the Laws and Regs, or just the breakout sessions, etc.
  • No travel expense!  If you've been CWSS-curious but have not been able to justify the time or expense of the travel in the past, this is your opportunity!
  • Lastly, this may be a one-time opportunity to see weed science experts from around California and the US delivering cutting-edge research updates while wearing sweatpants and broadcasting from the spare bedroom in their house while their dog barks at the mailman - what an opportunity!  (just kidding, we actually have high quality professional video and audio and on-demand retrieval of the presentations).

The content will be available online from January 25 through February 26.   Register early before the price goes up!

Here's how to get to the registration page:

Here's the current program agenda:

By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

Attached Images: