Getting Down and Dirty - Soils Conference

Jan 25, 2019

The Soil Science Society of America had its North American Societies Conference (Canada/Mexico/US combined societies) in San Diego this month -

1,700 people came and gave talks.  Lots of talks!!! You can review the topics covered by various categories, such as mineralogy, soil chemistry, microbiology, fire impacts on soil, climate change, soil physics, irrigation management, etc,  etc, etc -

or by what was presented each day -


It's a huge amount of information. By clicking on the session, its possible to see the different speakers and topics and see an abstract of the talk.  For example, clicking on the Monday, 9:30 AM session on Fire in the Landscape:

24-7 Fire Effects on Soil Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Connecting the Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter in Soil and Aquatic Systems'. Jeff A. Hatten1, Lauren Matosziuk2, Adrian Gallo1, Katherine Heckman3, Kevin D. Bladon4, Lucas E. Nave5, Brian D. Strahm6, Tyler Weiglein7, Jessie Egan8, Maggie Bowman9 and Ryan Stewart10, (1)Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, (2)Oregon Sate University, Corvallis, OR, (3)Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service (FS), Houghton, MI, (4)Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, (5)University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI, (6)310C Cheatham Hall (0324), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, (7)310 West Campus Dr., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, (8)University of Colorodo Boulder, Boulder, CO, (9)INSTAAR, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, (10)Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA


And clicking on the title will give the abstract : 24-7 Fire Effects on Soil Organic Matter in a Southern Appalachian Hardwood Forest: Connecting the Movement of Fire-Altered Organic Matter in Soil and Aquatic Systems'.


So, this is how some organic matter moves through the soil after a fire.  It doesn't all go up into the air as carbon dioxide, some of it actually migrates deeper into the soil and will probably persist there for a long long time.


Or maybe the whole issue of what constitutes a Healthy Soil interests you?  Check out these talks:


Read more about similar and different presentations at the Conference.  The full papers based on the abstracts will be out at some later date once they have been properly reviewed for accuracy.  That usually takes several months to get all of these presentations organized.


By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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