Pumping Survey. You can help.

Jan 3, 2019

Groundwater pumping may significantly affect growers' energy costs. As part of a California Energy Commission-funded research project, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory wants to hear directly from growers—via a short survey—about their experiences with the energy needed to pump groundwater. To learn more about the larger project, click here.

Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. We hope to understand more about the conditions you face on the ground so we can accurately convey your experiences with pumping groundwater to policymakers. We will be asking you some questions about your reliance on groundwater, past and planned well operation practices, and barriers to lowering the energy needed to pump groundwater. Results from this survey may inform future efforts to reduce energy use and costs for growers.

Your participation in this survey is completely anonymous. The survey software will not capture any personally identifiable information, including IP address. Individual anonymous responses will be stored in a secure location accessed only by a few authorized LBNL researchers, and will not be made public in any form. In publicly available reports, results will only be presented in aggregated form.

This survey should take around 20 minutes to complete. To preview the survey before taking it, a PDF version can be viewed here. If you are at least 18 years of age, own or operate a farm or ranch in California, and rely at least to some extent on groundwater for your farm or ranch operations, please click the link below to complete the questionnaire.

If you have questions about this survey or the larger project, or would prefer to respond to this survey over the phone, please contact us at gwenergy@lbl.gov, (510) 486-6839 [Heidi Fuchs, Survey Lead], or (510) 495-2865 [Helcio Blum, Project Lead]. For issues related to your rights as a research participant in this study (LBNL HSC 382H001-31AU19), please contact LBNL's Human Subjects Committee at (510) 486-5399.

Learn more and take the survey at


Questions? Contact us at gwenergy@lbl.gov or (510) 486-6839

Thank you very much for your time and participation!

By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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