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Tree fruit, Citrus, Avocado, and Nuts

Local field research is conducted by Cooperative Extension advisors, in cooperation with University of California Extension Specialists, Experiment Station personnel and growers. Research efforts target new crops and varieties that are best adapted to local growing conditions and markets. Irrigation, fertilization, and soil management research helps growers use natural resources effectively. Innovations in cultural practices and pest control help local growers produce an abundance of fruits, nuts, cereal grains, vegetables and other crops with environmentally sensitive methods.

almond bloom

Topics in Subtropics Blog!
  • navel split
    Navel Orange Splitting

    These are hard days for navel oranges.  Drought stress.  Salt stress due to drought. And no rain this fall.  And here comes the big one. This is ripe for navel splitting. This time of year when they are starting to build sugar, they are...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor
  • HLB symptoms
    HLB in Brazilian Citrus

    The recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) annual report on Brazilian citrus included updates on citrus greening disease, production and planted area.  CITRUS GREENING The report noted that new chemicals and...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor
  • ACP adult and nymph
    ACP Resistant Tree?

    Scientists at the University of Florida are testing a new type of citrus tree that can fight off the tiny insects responsible for citrus greening. While the genetically edited tree has only been tested so far in the lab and the greenhouse, it is one of...

    By Ben A Faber
    Author - Advisor