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Livestock, Range and Watershed

A newsletter addressing Watershed, Livestock, and Rangeland issues and related topics (including oaks and oak woodlands) for ranchers in San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties.

Issue Articles Type Date Added
Winter 2024 Newsletter



Please see attached "Winter 2024 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 12/18/24
Beef Cattle Health Series

Beef Cattle Health Series

Tuesday Evenings
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

January 7, 2025
Neonatal and Juvenile
Diarrhea in Beef Calves
Grace VanHoy, DVM, MS, DACVIMAssistant
Professor, UC Davis School
of Veterinary Medicine

January 14, 2025
Beef Cattle Respiratory
Prevention and Treatment
Munashe Chigerwe, BVSc, MPH, PhD,
DACVIM, professor, UC Davis School
of Veterinary Medicine

January 21, 2025
Biosecurity at the Ranch:
Foot & Mouth Disease,
Avian Influenza and More
Gaby Maier, Ph.D., DVM, Assistant
Specialist in Cooperative Extension,
UC Davis School of Veterinary

January 28, 2025
Common Cattle Foot Issues
Meera Heller, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Professor, UC Davis School of
Veterinary Medicine

FREE registration
and additional
details at

For questions or technical
assistance with Zoom webinar
please contact Tracy Schohr at
or 916-716-2643 (text or call).

PDF 12/16/24
2024 Practical Training of Nitrogen Planning and Management in Organic Production of Annual Crops!

Join us this year for the 2024 Practical Training of Nitrogen Planning and Management in Organic Production of Annual Crops!

Virtual Event

Cost: $30 (No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please email us to inquire)

Limited to 80 attendees. Register soon!

Habrá traducción al Español - Live Spanish Translation will be provided

Continuing Education:
Earn 8 hours of CDFA-INMTP continuing education credits (formerly CURES CE Credits)
Earn 8 hours CCA credit

About this workshop: In this 4-part series, participants will learn how to estimate nitrogen release from diverse organic sources and translate that knowledge to nitrogen fertilization plans and regulatory reporting requirements. Over the first 3 sessions, we will cover the most common sources of nitrogen and complete a nitrogen budget. In session 2, participants will be able to work on and receive feedback on their own nitrogen budgets. In session 4, participants will hear from growers about how they manage nitrogen and develop a budget.

Who should enroll? Growers, CCAs, PCAs and other agricultural professionals who are interested in learning about nitrogen management in organic production are encouraged to enroll.

Click here to Register! https://na.eventscloud.com/2024nitrogen 

For more information contact:

Maria Alvarez, Logistics Coordinator, anrprogramsupport@ucanr.edu ,


PDF 10/29/24
Fall 2024 Newsletter



Please see attached "Fall 2024 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 9/30/24
Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Fall Workshop- October 17,2024

Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Fall Workshop - October 17, 2024 at Cal Poly



Join UC Cooperative Extension and Cal Poly for the Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Fall Workshop

Date/Time: Thursday, October 17, 2024, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Location: Cal Poly Beef Center Pennington Road, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405     

Cost:  $40.00 – lunch included

Rangeland Restoration and Improvement: what it is and how it can meet your land management needs

Restoration and improvement plays an important role in the management of rangeland systems and consists of many different complex ecological and social processes. Exploring the restoration and improvement process with its associated social aspects like funding and collaboration opportunities is imperative for assuring the future health of rangelands on the central coast of California.

Goal: Increase practitioner's understanding about the process of restoring/improving rangeland systems, including the benefits and steps involved, project feasibility, and collaboration and funding opportunities.

Registration Link: https://ucanr.edu/ccrc%20fall%202024


PDF 9/18/24
UCCE offers Water Measurement Training 9/13/24 in Salinas: Updated Flyer

UCCE offers Water Measurement Training
September 13, 2024
1 :OOpm to 5:00pm
UC Cooperative Extension Conference Room
1432 Abbott St., Salinas

California water-rights holders are required by state law to measure and report the water they divert from surface streams. For people who wish to take the water measurements themselves, the University of California Cooperative Extension is offering in-person training to receive certification.

At the workshop, participants can expect to:
• clarify reporting requirements for ranches.
• understand what meters are appropriate for different situations.
• learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy.
• develop an understanding of measurement weirs.
• learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.

Limited to 30 people. Register now!

Pre-registration is required - $30 registration fee.
visit https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43495

Questions: email Forero at lcforero@ucanr.edu or Sara Jaimes at sbjaimes@ucanr.edu 

PDF 8/22/24
UCCE offers Water Measurement Training Sept. 13 in Salinas

UCCE offers Water Measurement Training

September 13,2024 in Salinas

1:00pm to 5:00pm
 UC Cooperative Extension Conference Room at 1432 Abbott Street in Salinas.

CONTACT: Pam Kan-Rice, (510) 206-3476, pam.kanrice@ucanr.edu 
California water-rights holders are required by state law to measure and report the water they divert from surface streams. For people who wish to take the water measurements themselves, the University of California Cooperative Extension is offering in-person training to receive certification 

At the workshop, participants can expect to:

• clarify reporting requirements for ranches.
• understand what meters are appropriate for different situations.
• learn how to determine measurement equipment accuracy.
• develop an understanding of measurement weirs.
• learn how to calculate and report volume from flow data.

Limited to 30 people. Register Soon 

Pre-registration is required .$30 To register,
visit https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=43495.

Questions: email Forero at lcforero@ucanr.edu or Sara Jaimes at sbjaimes@ucanr.edu 

Please see attached flyer

PDF 8/21/24
California Forest Stewardship Workshop: San Luis Obispo County

Register now for a California Forest Stewardship Workshop:
San Luis Obispo County
Online beginning August 27th–October 22nd 2024 and
in-person Saturday, September 21st in
San Luis Obispo County

Join the workshop to understand and protect your forests by developing a Forest Management Plan. Topics include:

Forest management objectives and planning
Forest health, insects and disease
Forest and fire ecology, wildlife, watersheds
Fuels reduction and forest resource marketing
Mapping, inventory and silviculture
Project development & permitting
Getting professional help and cost-share opportunities


Participants will utilize online resources on their own time to complete learning modules and short activities. Zoom meetings with all participants and presenters will take place once a week on Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm. The in-person field day will cover silviculture, forest inventory and mapping activities. Participants who complete the workshop will be eligible for a free site visit with a California Registered Professional Forester.

Registration for the workshop is $60. Sign up now at:
Scholarship funding for registration fee is available.
For questions, contact Kim Ingram, kcingram@ucanr.edu .



PDF 8/7/24
State Certified Prescribed Burn Boss Refresher Course

Offered in Association with


0900 - 1300
Students will access the course virtually
through Google Meet.
*Gmail account is not required to join
Call or e-mail South Bay Regional Public
Safety Training Consortium
(408) 229-4299

This course satisfies the annual refresher requirement for State-
Certified Prescribed Fire Burn Boss.
This four-hour refresher will cover legislative and legal updates as
well as discuss evolving issues and best practices in prescribed
Must have taken the full forty-hour State-Certified Prescribed Fire
Burn Boss. Course is only required if individual is certified by SFT. If still awaiting certification, it is not yet required.

Phillip Dye, Prometheus Fire Consulting
Email: phil@prometheusfireconsulting.com
Cell: (408) 807-1963


PDF 8/7/24
Announcement: California Rangeland Trust: Conserving Your Legacy : June 5,2024

Reminder: California Rangeland Trust: Conserving Your Legacy 

June 5, 2024 | 8 AM - 1 PM 

SLO Farm Bureau Office 
4875 Morabito Pl
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 

$25 includes lunch from Firestone Grill 

More information: Please visit our website or contact Robin Hanson, rhanson@rangelandtrust.org


Please see attached flyer

PDF 5/20/24
How to Control California Ground Squirrels & Gophers !

How to Control California Ground Squirrels & Gophers !

 A Free Workshop for Commercial Agriculture

Thursday, June 13, 2024 8:30am—11:00am

In-Person at Nipomo Community/Regional Park in the Pine Area

Topics covered:

Gopher Biology

Ground Squirrel Biology

IPM Plan

Using Bait, Carbon Monoxide and more options

Vertebrate Pest Control Laws and Regulations

 Demonstration by SLO County Parks


Roger A Baldwin Ph.D., Pest Mgmt Specialist

Laura Ramage, Ag Inspector/Biologist, SLO County


Ground Squirrel & Gopher Registration

Or call Mary at  805-781-5940

Continuing Education Hours Available

1 hour Laws and Regs, 1.5 hour Other





PDF 5/8/24
California Rangeland Trust: Conserving Your Legacy

Please see attached flyer:

Conserving Your Legacy

June 5, 2024 8 AM - 1 PM
4875 Morabito Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

$25 includes lunch from Firestone Grill

More Information : Contact Robin Hanson, rhanson@rangelandtrust.org 


PDF 4/19/24
SLO County Range Improvement Association Annual Meeting & BBQ :Date Correction


San Luis Obispo County Range Improvement Association
Annual Meeting & BBQ

Place: Arroyo Grande Association Hall
707 Huasna Rd. Arroyo Grande
Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Time: 6:00pm Social Hour 7:00pm Dinner
Cost: Dinner- $20.00
Annual Dues/Become a member! $10.00

Guest speakers will include: Cal Fire Chief; FSA and NRCS: and other Range Improvement Association members. Topics will include prescribed burning, assistance programs offered by the USDA FSA, and other updates.

If you have any questions please contact Dale Evenson,
805-467-3772, or at daleevenson50@gmail.com

PDF 4/16/24


The training can be done anytime at www.sodblitz.org
and packets will be available for pick up and drop off at San Luis Obispo Agricultural Commissioners Offices at Templeton and San Luis Obispo.

Online Training- www.sodblitz.org

Registration: SLO County Sudden Oak Death (SOD) BLITZ Registration 2024 (ucanr.edu)

Packet Pickup & Drop-off Locations:
San Luis Obispo Agricultural Commissioner’s Office –2156 Sierra Way # A, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. Drive around to the parking lot in the back.Follow signs and look for plastic bin near back door by the picnic table on the Johnson Ave side of the building.
•Hours: Friday, May 24th after 1:00PM through Tuesday morning, May 28th at 10:00AM –Available ALL HOURS.

San Luis Obispo Agriculture Department in Templeton
350 N Main St, Templeton, CA 93465. Bin will be located outside by the front doors.
•Hours: Friday, May 24th after 1:00PM through Tuesday morning, May 28th at 10:00AM –Available ALL HOURS.

Collecting–Saturday, Sunday & Monday –May 25, 26, 27. All of the materials necessary for the training and the collecting will be provided.


PDF 4/16/24
New Small Acreage Landowners Website



Please see the attached "Small Acreage Landowners Website Flyer".


Thank you!

PDF 3/6/24
2024 Cattle Health Webinar Series

Starting tonight is our 2024 cattle health webinar series. We have a great line up of speakers every Tuesday night this month for cattle producers of all sizes!

The event is FREE to participate but registration is required.

To REGISTER click here.

2024 Webinar Cattle Health Webinar Series Schedule

February 6, 2024
Foothill Abortion Management Options and Vaccine

February 13, 2024
Beef Cattle Mineral Health

February 20, 2024
Neonatal Beef Calf Health

February 27, 2024
Cattle AI Tips for Herd Improvement

PDF 2/6/24
Free Webinar: Introducing the California Rancher Sustainability Assessment

Free Webinar: Introducing the California Rancher Sustainability Assessment

Thursday, February 29, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM

The CRSA is a free online resource created by ranchers and UC Cooperative Extension collaborators. The CRSA can help ranchers to evaluate and improve their ranch practices over time. Self-assessment modules cover forage management, soils, drought planning, wildlife, and ranch succession.
Want to know more? Please join us!

Click here to register and receive the Zoom link for the webinar!

PDF 1/25/24


Saturday, March 16, 2024 | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Registration Now Open!!

Symposium includes general morning session and breakout sessions in the afternoon.

Registration (Individual only):
General: $35 until March 3rd | $45 beginning March 4th Students: $15 Members of UC Davis Young Cattlemen’s Association and UC Davis F.A.R.M. Club: $0

Registration Closes on March 11th 

Click here to Register!
Click here for the Agenda
Click here for Parking and Driving Instructions

Topics include:
•Cattle methane emissions and reduction strategies
•Communicating contested science
•Consumer perspectives of the beef industry
•Grass versus grain finishing beef cattle
•Emerging breeding technologies
•Beef cattle health update
•Newborn beef calf health
•Beef carcass evaluation
•Meat tasting comparisons
•Beef Quality Assurance training

PDF 1/24/24
Winter 2023 Newsletter



Please see attached "Winter 2023 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 12/19/23
UPDATE: Irrigated Pasture Improvements Field Day

We apologize for the short notice. Due to the great distance of over 1,000 miles and planning involved with having the USDA ARS join us, we need to have your RSVP/Registration no later than Friday,October 13th. 

If there is significant interest of 10 or more people, we will leave registration open until Monday. If we do not receive registration for 10 or more individuals by Friday we will probably have to postpone this field day. Please reach out to those you know who may be interested. 

Thank you to all of you who have already registered. We really appreciate it. 

If you have any questions please call Mary at : 805-781-5940


Irrigated Pasture Improvements Field Day 

 No Cost ! Come Prepared for Field /Outdoor Conditions & Walking

Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 10:00 a.m.– 1:00p.m.

5525 Shell Creek Road, Shandon California


For Ranchers, Land Managers, Agencies, Academics, and anyone interested in learning more about Irrigated Pastures, potential new grass varieties being tested,and use drones for pasture management.
Lunch will be provided by Barenburg USA


PDF 10/11/23
Irrigated Pasture Improvements Field Day Registration


Irrigated Pasture Improvements Field Day 

 No Cost ! Come Prepared for Field /Outdoor Conditions & Walking

Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 10:00 a.m.– 1:00p.m.

5525 Shell Creek Road, Shandon California

* no charge for lunch please make sure to register to be included in the lunch count

REGISTER HERE or via the information on the attached flier

If you need assistance please call Mary at: 805-781-5940


PDF 10/10/23
How to Control California Ground Squirrels & Gophers !

How to Control
California Ground Squirrels
& Gophers !

A Free Workshop for Commercial Agriculture
Friday, September 29,2023 8:30am—11:00am
In-Person at Heilmann Regional Park, Atascadero, Blue Oak Area


Topics covered:
Squirrel Biology
IPM Plan
Using Bait, Carbon Monoxide and more options
Vertebrate Pest Control Laws and Regulations
Demonstration by SLO County Parks
Roger A Baldwin Ph.D., Pest Mgmt Specialist
Laura Ramage, Ag Inspector/Biologist, SLO County

Continuing Education Hours Available
1 hour Laws and Regs, 1.5 hour Other

Register at:
Ground Squirrel & Gopher Registration
Or call Mary at 805-781-5940


PDF 8/29/23
Summer 2023 Newsletter

Hello ,


Please see attached "Summer 2023 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 7/27/23
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus: An Unwelcome Guest in Livestock’s Mouth

Vesicular Stomatitis Virus: An Unwelcome Guest in Livestock’s Mouth

Dr. Gabriele Maier, Professor of Extension, Beef Cattle Herd Health and Production, UC Davis

Dr. Roselle Busch, Professor of Extension, Sheep and Goat Herd Health and Production, UC Davis

July 2023

On May 18, 2023, Vesicular Stomatitis Virus was detected in a horse premises in San Diego County. Since then, several more counties in the southern half of California have reported positive cases of vesicular stomatitis, mainly in horses. Two cattle premises and a rhino in a wildlife park were also confirmed positive for the virus. A current map of affected counties with quarantined premises can be accessed through the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) at this link. The CDFA also offers a number of informational materials related to Vesicular Stomatitis Virus on this dedicated webpage.

What is Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV)?

See the attached document for more information.


PDF 7/21/23
Buying Livestock Drugs in California

Please see the article attached:

A livestock producer recently contacted UCCE regarding a problem he was having getting livestock dewormers shipped to a California address from out-of-state online retailers.  Three different online retailers told him that they don’t have a license to ship the products to California.  This was a headscratcher since the same retailers have previously shipped the same products to California. 

The problem triggered an exploration into the regulation of livestock drugs in California, which is helpful to understand the issue encountered with the online retailers.

Below is a brief description of how livestock drugs are regulated in California, with many references to lists published by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), and a final suggestion on what to do if you encounter the same denial to sell a dewormer or other livestock drug.

Here you can download a complete list of CDFA Approved Livestock Drug Registrations and their classifications.

PDF 7/14/23
6/22/23 Most recent VSV Situation Report Attached Below

An updated focal map of VSV affected and quarantined premises has been posted to the CDFA VSV website and will be updated at least weekly during the outbreak incursion

VSV Situation Report 6/22/2023 (See full report attached for maps and additional information)

Since the last situation report (6/15/2023), there have been 8 new VSV-affected equine premises identified (3 confirmed positive, 5 suspect) in California including a new infected county, Ventura County

Additional information and maps of the affected area are contained in the attached situation report.The situation report is posted publicly on the APHIS website and accessible at the following link:  https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/equine/vsv/vesicular-stomatitis

Please contact CDFA immediately if you have suspicion of a VS case. Contact information for each of CDFA’s district offices is attached. As a reminder, clinical signs of VS include excessive salivation, vesicles (blister-like lesions), erosions or ulcerations around the mouth, tongue, nostrils, teats, feet and coronary bands. 

PDF 6/29/23
Ecological Management of Fire-Prone Landscapes: Prescribed Grazing in the Ojai Valley

California Board of Forestry & Fire Protection's Range Management Advisory Committee Presents


MAY 16TH, 2023
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Join us on a field-day to learn about the OV Fire Safe Council's multi-stakeholder approach to community-scale, fire-safety and ecological resilience with graziers, fire fighters, ecologists, natural resource experts, community organizations, and U.C. Cooperative Extension.


Register Here:

Prescribed Grazing in the Ojai Valley: Community Supported Grazing Program Tickets, Tue, May 16, 2023 at 8:30 AM | Eventbrite

PDF 5/1/23


Friday,May 5th, 2023

FIELD TOUR: Evaluating the Effects of Targeted Grazing

Liz Reikowski, Willow Creek Land and Cattle, has conducted
her own research on grazing leases in south San Benito County
with funding from a Sustainable Agriculture Research &
Education (SARE) grant. This rancher-led project, Adding value
to grassfed cattle operations by restoring rangeland health with
targeted grazing on California' s Central Coast, is evaluating the
effects of targeted, rotational grazing to control weeds and
support native plants on two ranches. Liz, her brother Matt,
and partner Blake Duncan will share findings and demonstrate
rotational grazing techniques at a historic ranch near
Pinnacles National Park.


San Benito Working Landscapes Group Partner Roundtable
Methods and findings from a 3-year rancher-led research project supported by Western SARE

The partner roundtable is a great opportunity for ranchers, landowners, agencies, organizations, and
local elected leaders to share updates related to the conservation of and on working agricultural lands
in the San Benito County area.

See attached Flyer

PDF 5/1/23
Spring 2023 Newsletter



Please See Attached "Spring 2023 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 4/28/23
UC Seeks Feedback on Wildfire Impacts

UC Seeks Feedback on Wildfire Impacts

I know you’ve been affected by wildfires, and I am hoping you can take less than 20 minutes to share with me the impacts you experienced and response strategies you implemented. 

I know you are always bombarded with surveys, but I promise this one holds tremendous value! The results of this survey will elevate farmers and rancher perspectives to the forefront of local and regional wildfire preparedness & response efforts.  We also envision the results from this survey informing the next Farm Bill that Congress is currently discussing and statewide wildfire response efforts.

Take the survey: https://bit.ly/FiresAgStudy1

We’re grateful for your time. All participants who finish the survey by May 15th will receive a $20 thank-you gift and will have the option of being entered into a drawing for $200 (eight people will be chosen).

Feel free to reach out with any questions,

Natalia Pinzón Research Specialist and Ph.D. Candidate, UC Davis

Tracy Schohr  | Plumas-Sierra Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension

Email: Wildfires-Ag@ucdavis.edu 

Website: asi.ucdavis.edu/fires

PDF 4/18/23

May 5th – May 9th

The tree disease Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is killing millions of oaks in California and Oregon with the southernmost known location at the Monterey/San Luis Obispo County border. Early detection on bay laurel trees is key to slowing the SOD epidemic. SOD-infected oaks can also burn
very hot, increasing fire intensity around them. In 2020, the aggressive EU1 strain of the SOD pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) was found for the first time in northern California and its pivotal we know if this strain is elsewhere. Because of the biology of this pathogen, requiring rainfall to spread, the 2023 SOD Blitzes will probably be the most important ones we have ever had. In 2019, P. ramorum has been found in 3 streams in San Luis Obispo County but not on vegetation, so continuing to survey especially this year on bay laurel is especially critical.
Each person is required to take a short training in order to participate in the SOD BLITZ, the training is provided online at www.sodblitz.org.

Please register with us locally in order to provide enough collecting packet
Registration: https://ucanr.ed

PDF 4/12/23
California Climate Smart Agriculture Survey for Ranchers

California Ranchers:

We invite you to participate in a survey about California ranchers' and farmers' concerns, perceptions, information, and education needs related to changing climate conditions and adaptation. This survey is part of a research study funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and conducted by researchers at UC Cooperative Extension, UC Davis, and the USDA California Climate Hub. Survey results will be used to develop extension and education programs for ranchers and farmers.

Participation is voluntary and responses will be kept confidential; responses will be aggregated and shared in reports, academic papers, and presentations.

We expect the survey to take approximately 20 minutes. As a thank you, you can choose to enter a drawing to win one of forty $50 gift cards to Amazon (details at the end of survey).

Please click bit.ly/ranchersurvey to take the survey.

PDF 3/24/23
Virtual Workshop: Ag/Livestock Pass Disaster Access Program Development and Successes

Virtual Workshop:
Ag/Livestock Pass Disaster Access
Program Development and Successes
January 18, 2023 1:30-3:30pm

Objective: Workshop will provide participants with an overview of the Ag/Livestock Pass program. After a general introduction, workshop will address details of how to set up a functioning program, discuss common challenges, describe considerations for harmonizing existing programs with new state legislation (AB 1103), provide case studies of successful efforts across California, and leave ample time for a question-and-answer period. Target audience is County Board of Supervisors, Agricultural Commissioner’s Offices, County Sheriff Departments, Offices of Emergency Services, and other state and local agencies.

Speakers: Dave Daley, Butte County livestock producer
Buzz Landon, Butte County beekeeper ,Tracy Schohr, UC Cooperative Extension Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor, Matthew Shapero, UC Cooperative Extension Livestock & Range advisor ,Grace Woodmansee, UC Cooperative Extension Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor,Anthony Stornetta, Santa Barbara County Fire Battalion Chief / CCA Fire Sub-committee Chair Katharine Quist, Butte   County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office Julie Powell, Sargent, California Highway Patrol     To register: http://ucanr.edu/agpassweb
This workshop will be offered live and will not be recorded for later viewing 

PDF 1/5/23
Winter 2022 Newsletter



Please See Attached "Winter 2022 Newsletter"


Thank you!

PDF 12/19/22
How to Control California Ground Squirrels: A Free Workshop for Commercial Agriculture

How to Control California Ground Squirrels

A Free Workshop for Commercial Agriculture

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 9:00—11:00 am

In-Person at the San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau

Topics covered:

  • Squirrel Biology
  • IPM Plan
  • Using Bait, Carbon Monoxide and more options
  • Review of CDFA Bait labels
  • Vertebrate Pest Control Laws and Regulations
  • Demonstration by SLO County Parks


Roger A Baldwin Ph.D., Pest Mgmt Specialist
Laura Ramage, Ag Inspector/Biologist, SLO County

Continuing Education Hours Available:
1 hour Laws and Regs, 1 hour Other

Register at:

Ground Squirrel Registration 

Or Call Mary at 805-7815940


Squirrel baits are restricted materials, which means that applicators must be certified prior to purchase and use.

To become certified, contact your local Agricultural Commissioner’s Office

Hosted by the University of California Cooperative Extension
And the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner


PDF 11/16/22
REMINDER: 2022 Livestock & Range Symposium, November 2nd in Santa Barbara County

Hi again all,

This is a reminder to register for the upcoming Livestock & Range Symposium on November 3rd in Buellton. The symposium will feature research and practices regarding ranch and livestock fencing: “Thinking differently about fencing." See flyer attached.

Please also send around to friends and colleagues you think would be interested in attending.

To register:



Speakers and presentation topics will include: 


  • Wenjing Xu, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, “The Wires that Shape the World: Fence Ecology and Conservation in Rangelands”


  • Elizabeth Reikowski, San Benito County rancher, “Using electric fencing to improve rangeland health and lower operational costs”


  • Nathaniel Slinkert, Senior Project Manager, Vence Corp., “Virtual Fencing for Livestock and Rangeland Management”


  • Mike Williams, Los Angeles County rancher “Stockmanship in Pasture Management&
PDF 10/24/22
2022 Livestock & Range Symposium

Join UC Cooperative Extension for a symposium featuring
current research and practices regarding ranch and livestock
fencing. Speakers and presentation topics will include:

Wenjing Xu, Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“The Wires that Shape the World: Fence Ecology and Conservation in Rangelands”

Elizabeth Reikowski, San Benito County rancher
“Using electric fencing to improve rangeland health and lower operational costs”

Nathaniel Slinkert, Senior Project Manager, Vence Corp.
“Virtual Fencing for Livestock and Rangeland Management”

Mike Williams, Los Angeles County rancher
“Stockmanship in Pasture Management”

Cost is $50 pre-registration; $60 at the door (meal included)
To register: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=39138

For more information contact Matthew at (805) 645-1475 or mwkshapero@ucanr.edu

Monterey County Rangeland Carbon Sequestration

Free Hybrid Workshop

Monterey County Rangeland Carbon Sequestration: Ranchers and Rangelands Are Part of the Climate Change Solution

In-person space is limited.


Join us to hear the latest information on carbon sequestration,
funding opportunities for management practices, and how ranchers
have contributed to carbon sequestration and can continue to help!

Date:September 22, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 2:30PM
Venue:Lunch Provided
Via Zoom or UCCE
Conference Room
1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, CA 93901

PDF 8/29/22
Free Workshop on E.coli 0157 on August 23,2022

Please join us for a workshop on E. coli on August 23, 2022.

Workshop title: E. coli 0157: What is it, how does it spread, and can it be prevented?

Date: August 23, 2022

Time: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Location: UCCE Conference Room, 1432 Abbott Street, Salinas, CA 93901

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Jazmine Mejia-Muñoz at jazmine@californiamsf.org / 831-583-8847 or Devii Rao at drorao@ucanr.edu / 831-205-3125 

PDF 8/3/22
Summer 2022 Newsletter


Please see attached "Summer 2022 Newsletter"

Thank you!

PDF 6/28/22
2022 Farm Service Agency County Committee Nominations

2022 Farm Service Agency County Committee Nominations

Nominations for local USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee elections began on June 15. Committee members are a critical component of the day-to-day operations of FSA. They help deliver FSA farm programs at the local level. Agricultural producers who serve on committees work to make FSA agricultural programs serve the needs of local producers. All nomination forms for the 2022 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 1, 2022.

San Luis Obispo County has one COC position up for election.  This position covers Local Administrative Area number 1 (LAA-1) in San Luis Obispo County.  To run for and hold this County Committee Member position, an interested party must live and farm/ranch within this LAA.  LAA-1 has the following boundaries: 

Northern boundary - South side of Hwy 41 west Southern boundary - Santa Barbara County line

Western boundary - Pac1f1c Coast line

Eastern boundary - Hwy 101 from Atascadero to the Cuesta Ridge - Cuesta Ridge following to Pine Ridge to the SB Co line

Cities include: Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo, and Arroyo Grande.


If you are interested, please submit a 2022 Nomination Form to the San Luis Obispo County FSA Office no later than August 1, 2022.  The form can be found at this link:


PDF 6/16/22


Please see the attached flyer about "2022 HOW TO CONTROL CALIFORNIA GROUND SQUIRRELS" workshop on July 26, 2022, @8:30-10:30am

Thank you!

PDF 6/15/22
2022 RIA Annual Meeting & BBQ


Please see the attached flyer about "2022 RIA Annual Meeting & BBQ" on June 23, 2022, @7pm.

Thank you!

PDF 6/8/22
Cancellation Notice - Range Improvement Association


The Annual Meeting and BBQ for the San Luis Obispo County Range Improvement Association planned for May 26,2022 has been CANCELED.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

PDF 5/24/22
RIA Annual Meeting & BBQ


Please see the attached flyer about "2022 RIA Annual Meeting & BBQ" on May 26, 2022, @7pm.

Thank you!

PDF 5/17/22
Weed Management Workshop


Please see the attached flyer about "Weed Management Workshop" Online Training on May 18, 2022, 9am-noon!

Thank you!

PDF 5/16/22
2022 SOD (Sudden Oak Death) BLITZ


Please see the attached flyer about "2022 SOD (Sudden Oak Death) BLITZ" workshop on April 29 - May 1, 2022.

Thank you!

PDF 4/4/22
USDA to Provide Payments to Livestock Producers Impacted by Drought or Wildfire


Please see the attached announcement about "USDA to Provide Payments to Livestock Producers Impacted by Drought or Wildfire" 

Thank you!

PDF 4/4/22
Emergency Livestock Relief Program


Please see the attached announcement about "Emergency Livestock Relief Program".

Thank you!

PDF 4/4/22
Forum: Expanding Market Opportunities for Meat Processing


Please see the attached flyer about "EXPANDING MARKET OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEAT PROCESSING" forum on January 27, 2022 @1:00-2:00pm EST.

Thank you!

PDF 1/25/22
Virtual Water Measurement and Reporting Courses


Please see the attached flyer about "VIRTUAL WATER MEASUREMENT AND REPORTING COURSE" workshop on November 4, 2021 @09:00am-12:30pm PST.

Thank you!

PDF 10/7/21
Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands


Please see the attached flyer about "MANAGING WEEDS IN GRASSLANDS AND RANGELANDS" workshop on October 19, 2021 @09:00am-12:00pm.

Thank you!

PDF 10/7/21
How to Control California Ground Squirrel Workshop 2021


Please see the attached flyer about "HOW TO CONTROL CALIFORNIA GROUND SQUIRREL WORKSHOP" on October 12, 2021 @08:30am-11:00am.

Thank you!

PDF 9/16/21
8th California Oak Symposium


Please see the attached flyer about "8th California Oak Symposium" on March 21-24, 2022.

Thank you!

PDF 7/27/21
Spring 2021 Newsletter No. 4


Please see the attached "Spring 2021 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara & Monterey Counties Newsletter No. 4"

Thank you!

PDF 6/18/21
Spring 2021 Newsletter No. 3


Please see the attached "Spring 2021 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara & Monterey Counties Newsletter No. 3"

Thank you!

PDF 5/24/21
Announcement: Managing through this Drought


Please see this article on “Managing through this Drought”,  written by Sheila Barry, Bay Area Livestock  Natural Resource Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension. She had included some very good information.

Thank you!

PDF 5/14/21
Webinar: Tax Issues for Weather Related Sales of Livestock


Please see the attached "Webinar: Tax Issues for Weather Related Sales of Livestock" workshop to be held on Wednesday, May 12 @11am PST

Thank you!

PDF 5/11/21
Spring 2021 Newsletter No. 2


Please see the attached "Spring 2021 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara & Monterey Counties Newsletter No. 2"

Spring 2021 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara & Monterey Counties Newsletter No. 3 will be coming soon!

Thank you!

PDF 5/7/21
Spring 2021 Newsletter No. 1


Please see the attached "Spring 2021 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara & Monterey Counties Newsletter"

Thank you!

PDF 4/23/21
Virtual 2021 SOD BLITZ - REVISE -


A wrong flyer was attached in the previous message.

Please see the correct announcement about "VIRTUAL 2021 SOD BLITZ" to be held on May 15th - 17th, 2021 as attachment!

Thank you.

PDF 4/21/21
FREE Virtual Weed Management for Small Acreages Workshop


Please see the attached announcement about "FREE VIRTUAL WEED MANAGEMENT FOR SMALL ACREAGES WORKSHOP" to be held on May 25, 2021 @6:00 - 7:30pm PST!

Thank you.

PDF 4/21/21
Virtual 2021 SOD BLITZ


Please see the attached announcement about "VIRTUAL 2021 SOD BLITZ" to be held on May 15th - 17th, 2021!

Thank you.

PDF 4/21/21
The Vertebrate Pest Council Virtual Workshop


Please see the attached announcement about "THE VERTEBRATE PEST COUNCIL VIRTUAL WORKSHOP" to be held on March 30 - April 1, 2021 @8:00am -10:00am PST!

Thank you.

PDF 3/16/21
19th Annual Continuing Education Seminar for Ranchers


Please see the attachment for information about "19TH ANNUAL CONTINUING EDUCATION SEMINAR FOR RANCHERS via ZOOM - San Benito County Weed Management Area" to be held on December 3, 2020 @8:00am-11:40am!

Thank you.

PDF 11/30/20
Managing Weeds in Grasslands and Rangelands in the Context of Fire in California


Please see the attachment for information about "MANAGING WEEDS IN GRASSLANDS AND RANGELANDS IN THE CONTEXT OF FIRE IN CALIFORNIA" to be held on November 18, 2020 @9:00am-12:00pm!

PDF 11/4/20
How to Control California Ground Squirrels


Please see the attachment for information about "HOW TO CONTROL CALIFORNIA GROUND SQUIRRELS WORKSHOP" to be held on November 18 & 19, 2020!

English Workshop:  Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 @8:30-11:00am

Spanish Workshop: Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 @8:30-11:00am

PDF 10/19/20
Presentations for Central Coast Rangeland Research Updates


We just posted the Central Coast Rangeland Research Update presentations on our website, which was held on 9/29/2020.

Click here for presentations

Thank you!

PDF 10/2/20
Virtual Central Coast Rangeland Research Updates


Please see the attachment for information about "CENTRAL COAST RANGELAND RESEARCH UPDATES IN WEBINAR" to be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2020!

Thank you.

PDF 9/17/20
Cattle Grazing Reduces Fire Risk and Severity


Please see the attachment for information about "CATTLE GRAZING REDUCES FIRE RISK AND SEVERITY".

Thank you.

PDF 9/10/20
Farm Agency Announcement August 2020


Please see the attachment for information about "FARM AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT, AUGUST 2020".

Thank you!

PDF 8/20/20
Public Safety Power Shutoff Online Survey - Last Reminder -


Please see the attached letter for information about "PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF (PSPS) ONLINE SURVEY".

If you have already completed this survey, please disregard this reminder.

We'd appreciate your participation in this project.

Thank you.

PDF 8/17/20
Public Safety Power Shutoff Online Survey - 3rd Reminder -


Please see the attached letter for information about "PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF (PSPS) ONLINE SURVEY".

If you have already completed this survey, please disregard this reminder.

We'd appreciate your participation in this project.

Thank you.

PDF 8/10/20
Grape Notes Blog


Please see the attachment for information about "GRAPE NOTES BLOG" written by our advisor, MARK BATTANY.

Thank you!

PDF 7/29/20
Women for the Land Learning Circle


Please see the attached flyer for information about "WOMEN FOR THE LAND LEARNING CIRCLE" to be held on Wednesday, 8/5 & 8/12 @2 - 4pm.

Thank you!

PDF 7/27/20
Public Safety Power Shutoff Online Survey - 2nd Reminder -


Please see the attached letter for information about "PUBLIC SAFETY POWER SHUTOFF (PSPS) ONLINE SURVEY".

If you have already completed this survey, please disregard this reminder.

We'd appreciate your participation in this project.

Thank you.

PDF 7/22/20
Grazing and Prescribed Burning for Fire Safety


Please see the attached flyer for information about "GRAZING AND PRESCRIBED BURNING FOR FIRE SAFETY"  to be held on July 2nd, Thursday at 9am PDT!

Thank you.

PDF 6/30/20
Working Rangelands Wednesdays Webinar Series


Please see the attached flyer for information about "WORKING RANGELANDS WEDNESDAYS WEBINAR SERIES"  to be held on June 3rd  at 1pm PDT!

Thank you and stay safe!

PDF 5/29/20
Rancher Wisdom can be Improved with Science


Please see the attached article "RANCHER WISDOM CAN BE IMPROVED WITH SCIENCE" written by Jeannette Warnert, UC ANR and follow the link below to see the video.


Thank you and stay safe!

PDF 4/20/20
Spring 2020 Newsletter


Please find our latest "SPRING 2020 NEWSLETTER".

Thank you!

PDF 4/3/20
Virtual California Oak Health Workshop


Please see the attached flyer for information about "VIRTUAL CALIFORNIA OAK HEALTH WORKSHOP"  to be held on April 14th & 21st at 10:00AM!

Thank you and stay safe!

PDF 4/2/20
Information for CA Workers During COVID-19 Crisis


Please see the attached important announcement about "INFORMATION FOR CA WORKERS DURING COVID-19 CRISIS: Filing for Supplemental Pay due to Impacts on Wages". Thank you!


PDF 3/17/20
Making the Best Use of Current Genetic Selection Tools


Please see the attached flyer for information about "MAKING THE BEST USE OF CURRENT GENETIC SELECTION TOOLS" Webinar to be held on February 27, Thursday 2020!

PDF 2/18/20
How to Control California Ground Squirrels 2020


Please see the attached flyer with information about"How to Control California Ground Squirrels 2020"  to be held on March 17, Tuesday, 2020 in San Luis Obispo!

PDF 1/28/20
29th Vertebrate Pest Conference


Please see the attached flyer with information about"29th VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE"  to be held on March 2 - 5, 2020 in Santa Barbara!

Thank you.

PDF 1/15/20
Forage Production Report 2001 - 2019

Happy New Year!

"Forage Production Report 2001 - 2019" has been uploaded on our website.

Please visit here or open the attachment to view the report.

Thank you.

PDF 1/8/20
Crunching the Numbers on Compost Field Day


Please see the attached flyer with information about"CRUNCHING THE NUMBERS ON COMPOST" FIELD DAY to be held on October 28th in Los Olivos!

PDF 10/2/19
Summer 2019 Newsletter


Please find our latest newsletter.

Thank you!


PDF 9/16/19
Central Coast Rangelands Workshop


Please see the attached flyer with information about CENTRAL COAST RANGELANDS WORKSHOP to be held on September 12th in San Luis Obispo!

PDF 8/21/19
Rangeland Management and Erosion Prevention Workshop


Please see the attached flyer with information about RANGELAND MANAGEMENT AND EROSION PREVENTION WORKSHOP to be held on September 5th in Paso Robles!

PDF 8/15/19
Stockmanship for Pasture Management Workshop


Please see the attached flyer with information about STOCKMANSHIP FOR PASTURE MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP to be held on July 19-21 in Palmdale!

PDF 6/18/19
Prescribed Fire Workshop in San Benito County


Please see the attached flyer with information about PRESCRIBED FIRE WORKSHOP to be held on June 5 in Hollister & June 6, 2019 in King City (Bitterwater)!

PDF 5/21/19
Assessing & Managing California Rangeland Health and Soils


Please see the attached flyer with information about ASSESSING & MANAGING CALIFORNIA RANGELAND HEALTH AND SOILS (FREE WORKSHOP) to be held on June 3rd, 2019 in Ted Chamberlin Ranch, Los Olivos! 

PDF 5/20/19
Water Measurement & Reporting Course


Please see the attached flyer with information about WATER MEASUREMENT & REPORTING COURSE TRAINING to be held on June 7 in Santa Ynez!

PDF 5/6/19


Due to low registration, the decision was made to postpone this "Ranch Field Day"

We will let you know once we set up a new date.

Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for the inconvenience.

PDF 4/17/19
Sudden Oak Death - SOD BLITZ


Please see the attached flyer with information about SUDDEN OAK DEATH - SOD BLITZ to be held on May 3 in Atascadero and on May 4 in San Luis Obispo!

PDF 4/11/19
Ranch Field Day

Please see the attached updated flyer with information about Bitterwater Land Field Day to be held on April 20 at a San Luis Obispo County Ranch!

We have added "driving direction".

PDF 4/4/19
Range Improvement Association Annual Meeting & BBQ

Hi, the flyer that was just sent to you had the wrong year. Please see the attached correct flyer with information about Range Improvement  Association Annual Meeting & BBQ to be held on April 5 in Arroyo Grande!

PDF 3/13/19
Upcoming Meeting information


For your information, I'm sending you an announcement for upcoming Cal-Pac SRM Meeting. Please see attachment.

Thank you!


PDF 2/28/19
How to Control California Ground Squirrels

Please see the attached flyer with information about 2019 How to Control California Ground Squirrels to be held on March 26 in San Luis Obispo!



Registration, Welcome


David Headrick, Ph.D. Professor Cal Poly

"Developing an Integrated Pest Management Plan, Control of Ground

Squirrels using Bait, Burrow Fumigation, and other Methods"


David Kratville, Senior Environmental Scientist, CDFA

"Safe and Legal Use of CDFA Baits"


Laura Ramage, Agriculture Inspector/Biologist, SLO County

"Vertebrate Pest Control Laws and Regulations"


Royce Larsen, Ph.D. UCCE San Luis Obispo County

"Conclusion followed by question/answer session"

(Time extended as needed/wanted)


PDF 2/25/19
2019 CA Rangelend Climate & Drought Workshops

Please see the attached flier with information about 2019 CA Rangeland Climate & Drought Workshops Weather, Grass and Drought: Planning for Uncertainty to be held on February 6 in Solvang & February 12 in Loomis!

PDF 1/14/19
Announcement: Water Measurement Class


The water measurement class is coming to King City on October 24.

The flyer for the event is attached.

Thank you!

PDF 10/10/18
Announcement: Live Stock & Range Symposium

Please see the attached flier with information about 2018 LIVE STOCK & RANGE SYMPOSIUM to be held on November 8 in Santa Maria & November 9 in Santa Paula!

Thank you!

PDF 10/3/18
Beef Quality Assurance Transportation

Please see the attached flier with information about the upcoming Beef Quality Assurance Transportation Workshop on May 23, 2018.

Thank you!

PDF 5/7/18
Annual Meeting and BBQ Announcement

Please see the attached flier with information about ANNUAL MEETING AND BBQ to be held on APR 13, FRIDAY!

Thank you!

PDF 4/10/18
New issues of Range, Livestock, Watershed, Oaks & Announcements

Please see the attached flier with information about the 13th ANNUAL CAMBRIA WILDFLOWER SHOW to be held on Apr 28 & 29!

Thank you!

PDF 4/3/18
2018 Sudden Oak Death Meeting - SOD Blitz

The SOD Blitz is one of the best ways to know when the pathogen arrives in SLO County. The sooner we know, the sooner we can develop effective management strategies to prevent oak trees from dying and altering the vegetation composition and susceptibility to wildfire.

The attached flyer gives the dates and locations for this year's SOD Blitz meetings and collection of Sudden Oak Death leaf samples.

PDF 3/27/18
2018 California Beef Cattle Grazing School

Please see the attached flier with information about the upcoming 2018 California Beef Cattle Grazing School.

Thank you!

PDF 3/22/18
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Please see the attached flyer about the upcoming workshop on California ground squirrels.

Thank you!

PDF 2/5/18
6 Rural Roads Workshop

Please see the attached flier for the upcoming Workshop on Maintaining and Improving Rural Roads.

PDF 11/9/17
Beef Cow Workshop

Please see the attached flier for the upcoming Beef Cow Workshop.

PDF 8/16/17
Spring 2017 Newsletter PDF 5/17/17
Stockmanship - Stewardship PDF 5/2/17
SOD Blitz Meeting Announcement PDF 5/1/17
2017 SOD Blitz Information Meeting DOCX 4/28/17
Groundwater Recharge Workshop

Please see attached Announcement for the Groundwater Recharge Workshop

PDF 4/28/17
RIA BBQ PDF 3/28/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop PDF 3/15/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Please see the attached flier with information about the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop.

Thank you!  

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Please see the attached flier with information about the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop.

Thank you!  

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Please see the attached flier with information about the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop.

Thank you!  

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Please see the attached flier for information on the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop. 

Thank You!

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

PDF 3/1/17
Ground Squirrel Workshop

Attached is a flier with the upcoming Ground Squirrel Workshop  information. 

Thank you 

PDF 3/1/17
Ranching Sustainability

Please use the link below for information and materials regarding Ranching Sustainability. The  link in the attached flier appears to be broken. However the link to register is intact. 


Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you! 

PDF 2/14/17
February 14, 2017

Please use the link below for information and materials regarding Ranching Sustainability. The  link in the attached flier appears to be broken. However the link to register is intact. 


Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thank you! 

PDF 2/14/17
Ranching Sustainability Workshop March 9, 2017

Please see the attached flier containing information and link to registration for the upcoming Ranching Sustainability Workshop.


Thank you 

PDF 2/14/17
Knocking Out Noxious Weeds on Rangelands PDF 10/11/16
Ranching Sustainability Workshop March 9, 2017

Please see the attached flier containing information and link to registration for the upcoming Ranching Sustainability Workshop.


Thank you 

PDF 2/14/17
Facts about Oak Galls

Please see the attached information about Oak Galls

PDF 9/28/16
Wild Pig Damage Survey

Please see the attached information about wild pigs.

PDF 8/25/16
Preserving the Cowboy Side of Calif - Field Day

Please see the attached flier regarding information on the upcoming Ranching Lifestyle Field Day "Cowboy Side of California"  

PDF 8/10/16
Winter 2016 PDF 2/19/16
Spring/Summer 2015 PDF 6/1/15
RSA Workshop Announcement

Click on the link for details and to register!


PDF 9/11/14
Summer 2014 PDF 7/17/14
Winter 2014

Ground squirrel and drought issues, workshop meetings and more...

PDF 1/15/14
"Ties to the Land" Workshop

Learn simple techniques on how to pass land and its legacy on to the next generation!

Click on the attached for details and to register.

PDF 5/30/13
Summer 2013

Early Leaf Drop on Central Coast Oaks, Labeling Changes for Rodent Baits, Ranching Sustainability Analysis Workshop and more...

PDF 7/26/13
E coli Workshop

Workshop: E Coli Research related to Livestock, Wildlife, and Leafy Green Production

Monday March 18, 2013 8:00am to Noon in Templeton.  Please click on the link for details and to register.  Hope to see you there!

PDF 2/15/13
Winter 2013

Megastorms, Acute Death in Neonatal Beef, Tannins- are They Good or Bad?  and much more...

PDF 1/3/13
July 25 Workshop-Squirrel Control

...a workshop hosted by the University of California Cooperative Extension and the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner

"How to Control Ground Squirrels for Orchards, Vineyards, Pastures, and Rangelands"

See the attached for details

PDF 7/5/12
Newsletter article correction

Please see the attached document which provides a better version of the charts that were included in the Spring Newsletter article entiled, "Droughts or Floods, Which will it be."  Our apologies for the printing glitch.

PDF 3/23/12
Spring 2012

Soil Food Web, Floods or Drought? Announcements and more...

PDF 3/9/12
Winter 2011

A new Strategy for Blue Oaks, Conservation and Management of Rangelands, Better nutrition and weight gain for animals?  and more...

PDF 11/21/11
Oak Woodland Management Workshop

Workshop fee: $10.00 (includes morning snack and lunch)

RSVP for the workshop and lunch selection to shayna@us-ltrcd.org
or call 805-434-0396 Ext 5

Location: 12820 Chimney Rock Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446

For details and agenda, click on the link.

PDF 9/14/11
Winter Annual Field Crops Meeting Aug. 24, 2011

Topic: New Potential for Winter Annual Field Crops in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties 

Guest Speakers: Dr. Kaffka and Dr. Jenner

August 24, 2011
3:30 pm

Agricultural Commissioner's Office Auditorium
350 N. Main Street

Please see attached flyer for more details...

PDF 8/16/11
Spring 2011

The "Waterboxx," Native Tree Committee, Habitat Conservation, Meeting Announcement and more...

PDF 6/8/11
April 8 Water Quality and Ranching Workshop

Ken Tate and Rob Atwill (University of California, Davis) will be discussing their research investigating pollution of surface waters by fecal wastes originating from grazing lands. Topics will include concerns over animal health, and water quality for human uses (recreation, drinking, and irrigation of fresh food crops); sources of these pollutants (i.e., wildlife, livestock, humans); the management of environmental conditions which create risk; and the management options available to reduce these risks.

The seminar will take place Friday, April 8 from 3-4:30pm, in the Agriculture Engineering lecture hall room 123 at CAL POLY.

This event is open to the public as well as to the campus community. The second page of this flyer has information on campus parking, for those who need it. We are arranging the presentation with the aim of allowing adequate time for a good interaction with the audience (program will continue until at least 5pm if needed for that).

PDF 4/4/11
Fall 2010 Range Management and Water Quality, Animal Disease Response and more.. PDF 11/5/10
Preparing For Drought Workshop Upcoming workshop on October 28, 2010! Preparing for Drought on Rangeland, Looking at short and long-term weather patterns with John Lindsey, PG&E Meteorologist, Ten years of forage data, Protecting soil and erosion control, Impacts on wildlife and much more... PDF 9/30/10
"Slow Down Water" RSA Tailgate, 28 Sept 2010 a morning ranch tailgate workshop on - erosion control and - a Ranching Sustainability Analysis (RSA) self-assessment exercise 28 Sept 2010 at the V6 Ranch in Parkfield FREE! PDF 9/10/10
Agritourism workshop, 22 Sept 2010 Alternative Ranching Enterprises Rancher Perspectives Evaluating Your Resources Permits, Regulations, and Risk Management Business Planning, Marketing, and Promotions Optional Tour of Camatta Ranch PDF 8/26/10
Grazing Values workshop, 21 June 2010 Amenities and Other Public Values Ecosystem Services Sustainable Food Systems Rancher Perspectives Panel Discussion PDF 6/16/10
Trail Cameras workshop, 25 May 2010 Viewing Wildlife with Trail Cameras Rural Crime Prevention How to Choose & Use Trail Cameras Examples on the Miller Moth Ranch PDF 4/21/10
Livestock & Weeds workshop, 29 April 2010 Livestock Foraging Behavior Training Livestock to Eat Weeds Demonstration of Livestock-Weed Trials by Cal Poly students PDF 3/25/10
Spring 2010 New Antibiotics for Cattle Chicago Climate Exchange Soil Carbon Sequestration Upcoming Workshops PDF 3/25/10
Ranchers Workshop-Dec 9th Oak Regeneration, EQIP Projects, Ranching Sustainability Analysis, Rangeland Photo Monitoring, Assessing Residual Dry Matter, CCRC Monitoring PDF 11/17/09
Rancher's Workshop-May 27th! Ranching Sustainability Self-assessment Project, BEHAVE Program, History of Grasslands Workshop PDF 5/15/09
Spring 2009 Announcements The BEHAVE Program at USU Prepare for Bad Fly Season in 2009 Farm Water Quality Program Update PDF 5/7/09
Winter 2007 -Cattle Health -Drought in Oak Woodland -Drought and Acorns -Cattle Distribution -Drought and Grazing PDF 11/14/08
Summer 2007 * Steelhead in the UpperSalinas Watershed * Meet Amy Breschini PDF 7/15/08
Trees, Streams and Fish in Upper Salinas River Workshop PDF 6/18/08
August 2006 Central Coast Oak Survey UCD Vet News PDF 1/15/08
AFRICIANIZED HONEY BEES-Press Release NEWS RELEASE from the San Luis Obispo Agriculture Commissioner's office on the Africianized Honey Bees. PDF 11/8/10
FORAGING BEHAVIOR -- WORKSHOP FORAGING BEHAVIOR: Managing to Survive in a World of Change. This workshop will feature the new book "Foraging Behavior: Managing to Survive in a World of change" which covers Behavioral Principals for Human, Animal, Vegetation, and Ecosystem Management by Dr. Frederick Provenza. We will present new research on Principals of changing animal behavior, people, and ecosystems. PDF 11/8/10
October 2005 - Announcements - Trichomonosis Update - Livestock Pond Fee Update - SWRCB News Release on Fees - Rainfall and Forage Variability PDF 11/8/10
March 2005 - Announcements - Livestock Cloning - The Role of Fire in Rangeland Management - West Nile Virus Update - Farm Water Quality Short Courses PDF 11/8/10
August 2004 - Announcements o Conditional Waiver o Native Tree Award - Update on the Ranch Water Quality Short Course - Stock Pond Fee PDF 4/28/09
Winter 2004 - Annoucements - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy - West Nile Virus Update - Fire Effects in Oak Woodlands - Average Rainfall & Perennial grass seeding PDF 11/8/10
October 2003 · Announcements · West Nile Virus Update · Reproductive Performance · Range Seeding · Perennial Grass Seeding Risks · Preventing Erosion This Winter PDF 11/8/10
July 2003 - Living with Fire - BSE: What's The Latest - Pine Needle Abortion - Locoweed Toxicity PDF 11/8/10
February 2003 -Announcements -Sudden Oak Death Symposium -New Drug for Pneumonia -Bovine Tuberculosis in California -Rainfall Records in Paso Robles PDF 11/8/10
July 2002 - Announcements - Pinkeye Therapy - Agri-tourism - Drought and Climate Change PDF 11/8/10
July 2001 -Invasive Noxious Weeds -Another Approach to Weaning Your Calves -The California Trichomoniasis Control Program -Voluntary Testing Reportable Disease -Mandatory Testing of Imported Bulls PDF 11/8/10
March 2001 -Range Improvement Annual Meeting -Grazing Study on Intermittent Streams -Forest Plan Revision -Ranch Water Quality Short Course PDF 2/12/09
March 2002 -Annoucements -Control Burns -Riparian Literature -Weaning PDF 8/19/08
November 2001 - Anthrax - Watershed Management and Non-Point Source Pollution - Biosecurity Considerations for Ranches PDF 8/19/08