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- A Planner's Guide For Oak Woodlands A Planner's Guide For Oak Woodlands










First published in 1992, A Planner’s Guide for Oak Woodlands was the first such manual of its kind. Designed for professional planners, consultants, and landscape architects, this new edition provides science-based information that can guide decision-making. ANR Publication #3491,  $15.00 us

Chapters cover a range of planning and conservation topics including -
• Biology of Oak Resources
• Wildlife Habitat
• Watershed Management
• Regional Planning
• Mapping Resources and Modeling Risk for Improved Land Use Planning
• Ordinances

The 116-page second edition also features a sturdier binding and more photographs.

The encroachment into oak woodlands addressed at the time of the first edition has not stopped, and in some cases it has continued at an alarming rate. As more development occurs in the oak woodlands this guide can provide a framework for preserving this icon of the California landscape.

2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


University of California
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Communication Services
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Oakland, CA 94608-1239

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ANR Publication #3491